Troubleshooting common houseplant problems

There is something calming about having houseplants in your home or office. Many varieties such as pothos, snake plants, and ZZ plants are extremely easy to take care of. Even easy houseplants can sometimes struggle under some conditions though and you may need to trouble shoot some common problems.

Woman dusting houseplant

When I started to get interested in houseplants, I bought a few at a time instead of starting with one. This ended up being a mistake when it came time to repot the plants. I moved them over smoothly, but quickly noticed the next day that they each had fungus gnats. Houseplants having fungus gnats is a lot like your child coming home with lice. First, you will want to move your affected plants to separate areas so the gnats can’t spread to close by plants. I recommend getting a coating of pumice that can cover the soil and leaving it there for a few weeks to deal with the eggs.

You will need to trap the adult flies as well as killing the eggs. While, I first tried neem oil which is typically recommended I saw minimal success. Neem oil is normally a very healthy way to deal with pests and I still recommend it in less severe cases. In this case and in many where there are too many pests for it to handle it is better to use different methods, however. Instead, try using sticky traps near and around your plant. This will trap the adult flies and also give you an indicator of if the situation is getting better.

I often struggle with yellow leaves on my plants. If you have only one or two leaves turning yellow, you don’t need to worry, but if you have it as a common occurrence, you are may be overwatering your plant. Try using the finger test. If the soil is dry about two inches down your finger when you push down into it, it is ready to be watered but if it is still moist it can wait a few more days. This can also be due to low light so try moving it to a sunnier spot in your home for a few weeks and see if the problem clears up. However, if your leaves turn very pale or white, move them away from that sunny spot because this indicates they are getting sunburned.

While overwatering can turn leaves yellow, under watering can turn leaves brown. When you water make sure that the water runs through the drainage holes. This ensures that all of the plant is getting access to water and not just the top. You also want to try and water your plant consistently. While you don’t have to be so precise that it is always the same time of day, you do want to make sure that you follow a week or bi-weekly schedule.

Your plant may begin stretching in the fall or winter. This is when the plan begins to lean toward its light source and turns a light green. Tropical plants or plants requiring full sun that have begun stretching would benefit from being moved to a south-facing window if possible because they tend to be the brightest. You can also try rotating your plant occasionally throughout the week so that all sides are getting sun.

It can also help to dust our plants occasionally. Just like furniture collects dust over time in your home so do plant leaves. If the layer of dust becomes thick enough it can hinder the plant from getting enough sunlight and make the plant desperate for any light it can find.

You can make a few adjustments to your routine and plant care to try avoid these common issues before they start. Plan out your water schedule well and make sure to look up information on your plant before deciding where to place it and how often to water it. Repot your indoor plants indoors and keep your plants clean to reduce the risk of pests. Caring for plants can become a relaxing and rewarding hobby even when you run into problems as long as you are adequately prepared for them.


 Amy Hartline is the recycling and education program coordinator for the Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority. Have a recycling question? Contact her at (706) 278-5001 or